January Flower of the Month – Carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus)

What’s in a Name:
Carnation comes from the Greek word “corone”, which means meaning flower garlands, its scientific Genus name of Dianthus means “Flower of Love” or “Flower of the Gods”.

Carnations have been popular for formal ceremonies, joyful celebrations and expressions of love since at least Roman times. Since the 1600s they have been used to make a French liqueur known as Chartreuse.

Symbolism: love, fascination, and distinction
Did You Know:
• In the Language of Flowers, some believe a striped Carnation says “I wish I could be with you.” While others use it as a symbol of refusal!
• Carnations are one of the oldest cultivated flowers.
• Carnations make very long-lasting cut flowers
• They are one of the easiest to grow flowers.
• Most garden varieties have a rich, clove-like scent
• The petals are edible, for a fun salad or dessert garnish